I’m a firm believer in fully understanding the essentials (or fundamentals) of any problem you’re trying to solve.
For instance, you might not be a designer, but you’re quoting design work for your digital business. It’s imperative you understand the scope of work the design process covers and entails. This will help you formulate better proposals, articulate the pitch to your client, and work seamlessly with a design partner.
Rafal Tomal of Copyblogger Media joins us for Part 5: Web Design Essentials & Designing For A Platform.
The Matt Report Web Design Series
- Part 1: Discovery Process
- Part 2: Setting the budget & expectation
- Part 3: Managing the $5 – $15k web project
- Part 4: Managing the $50k web project
Interview with Rafal Tomal
I always enjoy talking to my friend, Rafal.
I’m a huge fan of his work, but more than that, he’s a great guy. He has, what seems on the outside, a very subtle and methodical approach to his career as a designer. His work has a distinct level of detail that you would expect from a company like Apple.
So, as you can imagine, I was excited to find out that he was publishing a book about this while I was recording the season. We’re going to talk about that, the lessons he’s teaching, and what his journey was like selling a new product.
Interested to learn what the design process was like for the Rainmaker platform?
For Matt Report listeners only: Save 20% on The Essential Web Design Handbook!
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