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Never think about protecting WordPress again


When you hear the phrase high performance WordPress websites, what examples come to mind?

This is a phrase that I see a lot of companies using in their marketing, which includes Malcare, today’s guest and sponsor of this show.

✨ Brought to you by Malcare

Visit Malcare. It’s the most comprehensive way to protect your high-performance WordPress website. Security, backup, staging sites and more. Get started for free.

Products and services targeting the type of buyer that might be managing a high traffic site like a Buzzfeed or a large WooCommerce store, like, well I can’t think of one right now. High traffic or highly functional equals high performance?

My vote goes to high value.

I know it’s not as appealing in the marketing world, but there are lots of website owners that value their site’s speed and security that aren’t pushing millions or even 10’s of thousands of page views a month.

And that’s what Akshat Choudhary and team are building at Malcare and Blogvault. The catch? Protecting valuable high performance WordPress websites so easily, you don’t even have to think about about it.

Enjoy the show today, please share it on social media, and if you want to support my efforts here consider buying me a virtual coffee or joining the membership.

Episode transcript

[00:00:00] Akshat: So I go by founder because I think there’s still a very small company to take the mantle of CEO. I barely do the job of like founder. Well enough.

[00:00:09] Matt Medeiros: when you started? Were you the one coding, everything or did you start with a team? 

[00:00:13] Akshat: So I started quoting everything. So I still ended up coding occasionally, which I should not do at all. But, but yes I started as an engineer and yeah, that’s that’s the origin.

[00:00:24] Matt Medeiros: What’s the interaction with your team when they do catch you coding. And they’re like, Hey man, you shouldn’t be doing this or is it, do they ever turn to you and be like, no, go focus on the CEO stuff or go focus on. What’s that interaction like, do you have boundaries that you set for yourself and encourage your team to tell you when to stop? 

[00:00:44] Akshat: So there are occasionally team members who come in do mention it. Unfortunately I think I was not done a great job of giving up all the technical responsibilities. The team is excellent and they can manage a lot of it, but sometimes you, it just, it does bad habit.

[00:00:59] Matt Medeiros: Yeah, this was you. As soon as they question you, you just fire them on the spot, get out. And I’m, I’m the boss. I’m still coding this. 

[00:01:07] Akshat: Yeah, honestly, this is again, I’d advise you hear so often that you should give up all of these individual responsibilities early and you do see the benefits of it when you give it up. Like when, whenever you are more focused on the business aspects of it, you see, you see the impact of it also, but a. But the discipline required to manage it.

[00:01:28] And that’s, that’s the trick like building that discipline and it’s easier said than done.

[00:01:33] Matt Medeiros: I should just preface dear listener. Actually that is the, the, the gentleman who runs the team behind Mulcaire blog vault. We’re gonna hear about some other stuff that they’re building as well. Backup security high-performance websites. This is the stuff that he focuses on. And I want to, I want to get to that in a moment, but one of the big discussions in the WordPress space these days, especially. Well, developers who have been around for forever since the inception of WordPress and new developers coming in, they feel that WordPress’s is changing pretty rapidly. I’m not a developer. I know it’s a lot of JavaScript. Now I know that you’re not going to get by with just the basics of HTML and CSS.

[00:02:12] Anyway. How has the software evolve for you? Are you finding it to be just a different challenge, more challenging? Is there anything that you see with your developer hat on? We, you say, wow. WordPress is really moving in a different direction, then say, at say, when you started out protecting and backing up WordPress website,

[00:02:30] Akshat: So what Chris obviously has changed a lot. I’m sure you have also seen it over the past 10 years. And now we feel like really old people. When we are discussing like WordPress circuit, 2010 and earlier, versus what it is now, there’s significant changes. And obviously there are also aspects of it which have not changed at all.

[00:02:48] It’s still the, the soul of it is still the same of the word for software. Okay. So that’s, that’s one aspect of it. There’s a lot more JavaScript stuff going on for sure. But I would also like to preface that, we are

[00:02:59] [00:03:00] We bend it. Any WordPress code? Most of the code we write are actually not nothing related to what dress we, and because our products are a SAS as you may call it. But the way we look at it is we, we create software which enables WordPress to perform better and do better things. So we ended up barely writing WordPress software and VR, not in the thick of it.

[00:03:23] So if you are, for example, building team related, some, anything that touches the front end, you we will have stronger opinions. We don’t do any of that.

[00:03:33] In fact, we almost allergic to making any changes. Changes WordPress in the front end of WordPress or anything, how WordPress find it.

[00:03:41] And does we try and be like, that’s not our strong spot. So we tend to focus more on the backend and the infrastructure less.

[00:03:49] Matt Medeiros: Yeah. None of this stuff is, is impact-wise I say this such an easy, easy phrase for me to say none of these changes to how I don’t know, WordPress is now moving into full site editing and Gutenberg is getting better. Like none of that, aside from maybe the, the vulnerabilities that come with that, none of that extra code is really changing.

[00:04:08] How you. Operate the business for lack of a better phrase. That’s not changing the way you’re coding. You’re not keeping up with maybe what full site editing is doing, because it doesn’t impact The front end of your stuff.

[00:04:19] Akshat: The kind of software, if you’re focusing on it, doesn’t impact us very much. And and other, that soul of a company also is slightly. That’s why it’s slightly different. We we, we are unlike most WordPress companies in that sense,

[00:04:33] Matt Medeiros: I obviously, I talked to a lot of WordPress companies, product companies, service companies, freelancers, and the service companies, at least here in the us like the agency. Are certainly finding a hard time keeping their employees these days. It seems like employees are at a premium, they have lots of opportunities.

[00:04:53] It’s in their favor, right? If you’re a great WordPress developer you have lots of options or so it seems I’m not seeking our jobs. So I can’t tell you, I just hear it from the agencies. Tell me, they say, man, it’s tough to hold somebody and find somebody and get them into a. Is this good or bad for you since you’re not looking for the WordPress developer type, maybe you don’t fall victim to that, or it was just finding a good developer.

[00:05:14] Tough for you. 

[00:05:15] Akshat: So finding good engineering is really difficult anywhere today and India and Bangladesh, there is a mad rush. I think the world has changed significantly in the past two years. Some, I think the influx of money everywhere has our capital has changed a lot of behavior. I don’t know if it is going to sustain for.

[00:05:36] But definitely they’re not going to go back to the 2019 era. It’s going to land somewhere else in WordPress space. It’s actually particularly interesting. And while we don’t actively hire WordPress engineers specifically I also think that because engineering has a, there’s a premium associated with engineering now, and engineers are more yeah, every salary is everything have gone up [00:06:00] significantly.

[00:06:00] I think what plays companies also need to evolve, even agencies or agencies could get by, by paying significantly lower salaries. I think David starts seeing impact of it impact of this inflation essentially at every level. Yeah. Yeah. Things will need to change significantly because our typical WordPress engineer, even if they learn, for example, if they run, react and react, developers are in huge.

[00:06:28] Yeah. There’s a huge need for react developers. If they pick up those skills and what was engineer, that’s smart enough, then they will, they’ll get a whole load of other opportunities, which pay significantly more. And the other thing that happens in WordPress and with you, I’m sure versus. Is what is one of the people who really a pioneer remote working.

[00:06:49] So now I’m in a WordPress engineer who knows react or other skills JavaScript. Well, they can work remotely and everyone is hiring remotely so they can get like much better salaries and I’m sure agencies and even plugins and other software developers in WordPress.

[00:07:06] Matt Medeiros: I’d say even all the way, all across the board, right? Even from your, your simple, small boutique agency who not doing anything, like you deal with a lot of high-performance. So you’re, you’re dealing with agency like large agencies, probably large tech companies, things like that. But I think it’s going to start to impact even the lower end sub $20,000 websites, because it’s just, it’s going to be harder to find good help at sticking around.

[00:07:31] I think. 

[00:07:31] Do you think that’s fair to say like the lower end might start to get impacted?

[00:07:35] Akshat: I think every level will get impacted, but also what will happen is this might create an opportunity for word press to get disrupted. Because there’s always a need for a low end website. And then maybe if development becomes more expensive, then a more ready-made solutions might come in. And so, yeah, so there’s a lot of flux.

[00:07:58] There’s a lot of change that’s going to happen. Maybe things would have this, some of these changes would have happened in. It has definitely accelerated.

[00:08:05] Matt Medeiros: Do you think that full site editing will. I know it’s very early. Like quite literally, we are recording this, I think like roughly a month after full site editing came to core, maybe not even, but do you think that full site editing in the direction of WordPress and where it’s going, we’ll solve for the basic website? Or do you think It’s really only going to continue to get more complicated for, for users?

[00:08:28] Akshat: It’s a full site editing again, let me, let me, I, as I said earlier, we are not, we don’t have a very, very strong opinion on it though. It’s I don’t think you’re competing on the, I don’t really think you are competing with a Vicks full site editing. That’s not the, maybe that’s the that’s what you’re trying to do, but it’s, that’s a losing battle.

[00:08:48] Matt Medeiros: Yeah. Yeah. 

[00:08:50] Akshat: That’s not the way to compete with them.

[00:08:52] Matt Medeiros: Yeah. Do you have an idea on how to compete with them besides sending out free headphones? 

[00:08:55] Akshat: Honestly I think we should stick to our strengths. I think the community is very [00:09:00] important. The plugins plugins and the ecosystem is very important over, make it easier to build and maintain websites and run with them and do a better job of so. It makes it easier. Yeah. Keep focusing on making it easier.

[00:09:14] And there are, I think we spoke about it earlier. There are challenges with WordPress handled. We need to, while we investing in full site editing and that’s important, that might be important, but there are other aspects of it where we obviously have weaknesses. We need to keep investing in those aspects and making sure that our, our customers, our users have the best experience.

[00:09:35] Matt Medeiros: I want to start to transition to talk about what you do with malware and blog vault. You’ve told me, Hey, Matt, when you talk about my products, just say that it’s the easiest way. Like we don’t want people to think about. How did you come across that, that feeling for your product? Because a lot of security problems plus plugins that I see, they want all the bells and whistles, they want to show you graphs.

[00:09:59] They want to show you all these, rules that you can set up and deny lists and allow lists and all of this stuff. They want to throw all of this stuff in your face, but you want to do it easier. How did you get. 

[00:10:09] Akshat: All right. So, there’s there’s actually been, we should take, take a step back and go back to the thing I said about making WordPress easier, because that’s the way that’s the only way or make it easier to use. That’s the only way to get, continue expanding WordPress and having it grow and not making the, that experience.

[00:10:27] And vile V a lot of us in the WordPress ecosystem we are swinging to have, et cetera, always tweaking it and doing things as a business owner, as a veteran, I don’t know you have your own lives to lead you don’t frankly, your website isn’t really important to you, but you don’t really want to be playing around and messing around with it every day.

[00:10:45] And that’s, that’s, that’s the origin for whatever we are doing. So we are anything we build, we keep in mind that move website or. Actually that should not be doing anything, the job of a website or not a person. We didn’t even as an agency who, who does this for a living, they don’t want to continuously maintain old websites and tweak around and deal with the problems every day.

[00:11:07] So we have to make that job easier. It’s it is like when you run Gmail, it’s not that you’re fixing and editing and solving daily problems. With the infrastructure. That’s the same thing should apply to 

[00:11:19] Matt Medeiros: I could argue that point with Gmail. I feel like I’m always in there having to delete things and move spam around, but I feel you. 

[00:11:26] Akshat: Did he think that moves paramount? Those are frankly, if you look, look at it in the bigger scheme of things that are very, very small, like we have been almost trained into, if you remember three g-mail, the situation was completely different. So it’s almost like we are spoiled. 

[00:11:43] Matt Medeiros: Yeah. 

[00:11:43] Akshat: But we are spoiled by, by the, by the grid software that Jima is.

[00:11:48] And so again, so coming back to, so that’s the, that’s the whole essence that why should you even have to configure anything? And does it mean that you need to configure? So that’s that’s step one. The second thing, if [00:12:00] you actually think about it deeply, you will realize. With a WordPress site, if you have if you, if you think about it enough, you’ll realize that you should not be configuring anything.

[00:12:09] We have seen enough number of WordPress sites. It’s not that WordPress sites differ so much across the, across the spectrum. So once you understand that, then you know that you can, by just having a good sense of what kind of , what kind of secure. You can auto configure everything. And the other aspect of it is a security companies also they’re they tend to do fear-mongering.

[00:12:31] They want you to feel that, oh, yes, I’m doing this 20 things and send you all sorts of alarms that are okay. We blocked. A hundred problems then frankly, it’s a nature of internet. If you have anything publicly available on the internet, people will always try and looking at if you have this insecurity, then that that guy will just blocked out.

[00:12:54] The security plug will take care of everything you should not that there’s no need to create that fear and for a good experience you should not. Bombarded it is alarms and alerts and that’s the approach we have taken. We want you to, if at all think about your website is when things really go wrong.

[00:13:11] Otherwise the software should take care of it automatically.

[00:13:14] Matt Medeiros: At what. And I know the marketing. When you take your developer hat on you put your business marketing hat on the, answer’s probably gonna be, I want everybody to use blog and Malecare or one or the other. But at what point does it make sense for an agency or freelancer to start. you for these licenses or maybe how do you see the best fit for an agency to communicate this to their, to their clients?

[00:13:41] Because arguably, I would say that, if you can address. Security and get the freelancers to understand it, both understand what security means and how they should protect their WordPress website, but also financially, like when does it make sense to invest in this? What, what’s the best step for you to say?

[00:13:57] Here’s when a website needs a proper now care solution and not your shared hosts. Run of the mill clam AAV, running on a Cron job sending you emails every night. What, when does somebody, when should somebody invest in better? 

[00:14:12] Akshat: So you should always invest in better security. That’s one way now whether you should pay for Medicare or not is a completely different thing, but definitely don’t rely on your web hosting security and I’m not even going to shut on the cloud. Maybe even the best in today’s best web hosting, the more expensive ones do a very, very limited job in my opinion of of securing your WordPress.

[00:14:34] Alright. So if you think about how our parasites get hacked, and then when you look at these this whole, the best posting companies, then you realize that while they do make an attempt, they only do something. Okay. And you are, so if you are, and I’m not going to take any names, but if you are on, even on the more expensive hosting, if they’re even on the most expensive hosting, please do not be under the impression that all my website is secure.

[00:14:58] Now, in fact, [00:15:00] their malware scanners, they use some version of plan, view, or equivalent, and which only finds catches affection of them. Okay. And this is again something which is NC that people don’t, because there’s so much noise in the security ecosystem. They don’t understand this well enough. The thing that all securities does, and some of it is, I think we as Malka should do better marketing around this, but also it’s complex because how do you know it’s very difficult to create, to judge these.

[00:15:31] A lot of these hosting companies focus on performance and those matters. Easier to showcase. Securities are much more complex metric having said that now, where does a vendor, or when does an agency, if an agency, and if you have maintenance packages, then we believe you should always be investing in good security.

[00:15:49] Because 

[00:15:50] Matt Medeiros: built build it right into that pricing, right? 

[00:15:52] Akshat: vendor tried into the pricing and you think maintenance for every identity, they should be. Maintenance packages. It’s it’s the future. It’s it’s actually, I wouldn’t even call it a future. It’s the present. And it’s also the past in many 

[00:16:04] Matt Medeiros: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, because the obvious when there is, is you have the customer, sticking around and listen, I’ll tell you when I was running my agency day to day now this goes back quite a few years. I’ve been out of the agency game for sheesh, four years, maybe even more at this point, ran it for 10 years.

[00:16:22] And it wasn’t until like year five until I actually started taking security. Seriously. I used to be, if anyone can believe it. I don’t even know if I’ve said this out loud on my podcast before I used to be a systems administrator back in the early two thousands, I was running a, a cluster of Linux servers.

[00:16:39] And then I went to C panel and C panel was invented because I was like, wow, this is gonna make my job so much easier. 

[00:16:44] You have those few sleepless nights where, the the lymph node server that you’re running your, your customers on crashes and the CPU is going through the roof and you got like your Linux Bible out at two in the morning, trying to figure out, how to kill processes.

[00:17:00] And that’s what I literally did, for years. And, and then it finally, once you go through it, you start to realize, oh yeah, this is why I need that. I would assume in your line of work. That’s how you get a lot of customers, the ones who are now like reacting to a problem, or is it more proactive?

[00:17:17] Akshat: So we do see a lot of reactive customers. It happens a lot though. Some, I think in WordPress, the good thing is, or the bad, the good for good thing. In many ways, for us, it makes our job easier or selling is that almost every person has seen a hacked site, which is not a good reflection on WordPress, but the reality is everyone has seen a hacked site and because of it, they have had those sleepless nights.

[00:17:41] They have. Now how they attribute what they think about how sites got hacked is a completely different answer, but people have suffered every, almost every agency owner has seen the problem. And yeah, so that makes our jobs slightly easier. Do at the same time, creating the distinction that how our product [00:18:00] is significantly better than anything else out there.

[00:18:03] That’s, that’s a challenge.

[00:18:05] Matt Medeiros: Yeah. How do you, how do you position it now? How do you tell people that. I’ll I’ll let you, I’ll let you give me the hard sell right here 

[00:18:11] Akshat: honestly, we do, actually we do a shit job. We do a terrible job of it. Sometimes I, I think the thing that works for us is you get agency customers. We’re like, okay, fine, fine. Don’t you just put in 50 sites of yours on our platform. We’ll scan it for you. And we’ll find at least one or two of them often.

[00:18:27] It’s more than that. But conservatively, I say we’ll find one or two of them that you, which will have malware on your teacher. Didn’t.

[00:18:33] And this 

[00:18:34] Matt Medeiros: crypto mining script. 

[00:18:36] Akshat: the guidance. Honestly, crypto mining scripts are, or I think they are overrated. They’re barely any crypto mining script. There are a lot of, a lot of other better ways of for hackers to to to basically exploit. Crypto mining script. Yeah. The sounds might this sound smarter and the sound like, oh yes, but I, I, I don’t see too many of those.

[00:18:58] Matt Medeiros: Yup. 

[00:18:59] Akshat: But, but yeah. So once we show, once someone sets up like a funeral, a few, quite a few websites, then we find the Melbourne, clean it with a click of a button. And that, that becomes a very easy sell for us then.

[00:19:10] Matt Medeiros: Yeah, I would imagine. So I think a lot of agency owners these days, Start to, they understand that the monthly maintenance fee, they understand how they can support their customers. I want to hear it from you. Do you see agency owners or agencies still running like their own, whatever digital ocean server, Amazon, easy to instance, like hosting it themselves.

[00:19:37] With whatever 5,000 a thousand customers, and they’re doing all the infrastructure support themselves. Is that still a thing? Because that’s pretty lucrative as an agency owner. That’s what I did and the agency still runs and that’s what they still do. They didn’t offload it to. Big brand web hosting company, they did it themselves and the customer paid them because the customer was going to call the agency.

[00:19:59] Anyway, they were never going to call WP engine or Kinsler or anything like Pagely they were never going to call the hosting company. So the agency ran it themselves. Is that still true today? From what you see? And do you have a, an approach to how you want to address that with a with agency owners and like what they should be doing to secure them? 

[00:20:14] Akshat: All right. So actually this is again a whole spectrum and I can start at WP engine. We’ll want you to just offload everything to them. And, and there are agency owners who want to do that because at the end of it, this guy these are like single person shops and they don’t want to hold it. The customers hostage because they also want to lead an actually a somewhat normal life.

[00:20:36] Because if you have a hundred 

[00:20:38] Matt Medeiros: a great way to say it. 

[00:20:39] Akshat: because you told me a perfectly normal life, let’s be clear. It’s like as a, as a small business owner, as an agent signed up for the.

[00:20:45] Matt Medeiros: Yeah. If you’re not in the.

[00:20:47] agency space, that phrase of you want a normal life. You have no idea how much that hits, because it’s just not a normal life. Go 

[00:20:56] Akshat: So that’s the, yeah, absolutely. When we, when we speak to our [00:21:00] customers, we see this, we hear this often. So there are agency owners who who will try and offload everything to consent. They’re still available there. And sometimes you will see it into another buyable plan with a WPN can stop any of the other flywheel, et cetera.

[00:21:14] And then. Basically charge their clients directly. And it is what we see more and more often happening. The reason why, I’ve personally, and this is again, something I spoke to a couple of a few agency owners and they told me like, I was like, why the hell do you want to take up the hosting space? It’s not, this is, it’s a commodity.

[00:21:32] While selling maintenance is important and lucrative, and it’s something which every web host every customer also should be doing because they need to run updates. It’s a more complicated sell, because how do you explain to a normal, you, you are running a bakery. How does sell them that?

[00:21:49] Okay. Or your website needs to be updated all the time. You need to make sure it’s secure and backups that as if you bundled in hosting, then there’s something very, very tangible. And, 

[00:21:57] Matt Medeiros: Yeah. Everyone gets 

[00:21:58] Akshat: And everyone gets it. There’s some server, there is a real cost associated there, and then you can build on build the story from there.

[00:22:06] So then that recurring revenue story becomes much more common. So, hosting and what we are seeing as well, the more expensive a host would like you to get pay them hundreds of thousands of dollars, even agency owner. What they’ve done is they’ve gotten they have realized that a lot of it has been commoditized, so they go, they tend to use us lower cost.

[00:22:28] Which, which does not have a huge markup over what you did, what a DigitalOcean or other charges. And they still get a solution we’re just somewhat good enough. And then they bundle it with something like a product to make a complete solution.

[00:22:44] Matt Medeiros: I thought I knew what high-performance a word high-performance WordPress website. In fact, I thought I was building high-performance websites for my clients until I got to Pagely and then I saw just this whole other spectrum of not only price point and agency fees and all that. But just like the, how many page views I’ve seen WordPress sites push especially on the page, the infrastructure I’ve seen e-commerce stores at the page level, just wow. This is a whole different level of high performance in WordPress. What are your conversations like around that phrase or that term, maybe with your customers and, and how do you align that with, with your solution?

[00:23:22] Why is it not. The mom and pop shop. Why is it a high performance solution.

[00:23:27] Akshat: It’s a high-performance is it’s again, there is the connotation of high-performance is often associated with the likes of millions of views and stores e-commerce stores. Millions or 10 minutes or tens of millions of dollars a year. And those things put a lot of load on the website or on the infrastructure.

[00:23:48] But if you ask me today, every business needs a high-performance website and high-performance in every domain. No, high-performance not only in terms of, [00:24:00] in terms of the speed of the website, but high-performance in terms of SEO, you need to have high-performance SEO and you need to have hypophonia security.

[00:24:08] No, your security cannot be lagging behind, right on your website itself. Once you have a high profile, you want to have a high-performance website. Which is key to your business, right? Any vendor website becomes key to your business and it’s it’s, it’s a significant driver of revenue or customers for you.

[00:24:28] And it is that’s, that’s the website, which we call the high-performance business of high-performance website. Even if it’s a mom and pops. Even that can be a high-performance website or the need for it to be a high-performance website, because you might be getting traffic from Google to who finally visit your store.

[00:24:47] So again, I’m being very general and, but, but that’s, that’s my, my understanding of high-performance website and that’s, that’s, that’s something which we feel like to solve for people for whom. The website is key to their business. Now there are a lot of places where your website is important.

[00:25:04] You have put in a lot of blood insight onto it, but you don’t want it. You don’t want the best in class solution for everything. 

[00:25:11] Right now, in those cases, I would, that’s the only thing that I would say you’re not like a high-performance you’re not a high-performance. But and sometimes, at this distinction is if you can make this distance clearly, whether you really need the best in class solution or not, then you also know that you might be able to invest that money somewhere else, because if, if it is not, if, so, if you have a simple outside, which gets a few reps that does, I don’t even know, even a few thousand visitors a day, but you don’t need to be the best in class you can get by with pretty good.

[00:25:41] Without spending a lot of money on it, and maybe you can invest that money in other parts of your business. Whereas if you’re running a website, for example, if you’re running a website for our products, then you need your website to be the best in every dimension. Because if it is not the best in every dimension, then they’re losing money.

[00:26:00] Matt Medeiros: I’m looking at the pricing page of Mulcaire and I’m seeing things like, and for the $149 a year, that the plan that’s right in the middle for one website, you have integrated staging site activity, logs, and visual regression testing, and daily automated backup. Like that alone for that type of customer who starts to freak out that the world is ending because his website went down for two hours or an hour. It’s 150 bucks for the year. So like you can replace high performing or high-performance with critical customers that you don’t want to have you calling at three in the morning because that’s the, the normal life we talked about as agency.

[00:26:40] That’s what makes it super tough is when you have customers who don’t get it, they don’t understand what’s hap what’s happening. And they’re calling you, looking at you to solve a problem where you’re like, I don’t, I don’t know why this site got hacked or why it went down. 

[00:26:53] Akshat: So yeah, that’s the plus pricing plan. The middle plan that you’re seeing, that’s, that’s the pricing plan, which is which we think is the right pricing [00:27:00] for almost any website, any high-performance website or any website, which, where the person thinks is important to the, to the business, where we offer excellent security. So we’ll do mat daily malware scan in particular side with an excellent. And then we offer backups. So backups again, if you think about it, backups are the fail-safe when anything goes wrong and we don’t say that if you, yeah. They’re the ones which will really save your bacon when things really go bad.

[00:27:27] And then we also have an integrated activity log in there and visualization, and I’ll talk about both these things. So the actual log, the very interesting. Is, especially as an agency owner, you said that you have clients who goes in and messes around with the website and every single agency owner.

[00:27:43] If you talk to them, they will tell you that this happens. And when things go wrong, they came and blame the agent, the cust clients will come and have something went wrong with them. I said, what the hell did you do? And you’re like, I didn’t. And so having an activity log, which keeps a track of what is happening on the website.

[00:27:58] And being mega can find at this time, see you logged in there from this location, and this change helps you avoid difficult conversations. And then being able to test, show that, go back in the history and create like a staging site from from the backup to show that, okay, the website looked fine before this change is really.

[00:28:20] , 

[00:28:20] Akshat: If you are facing these issues, it becomes really easy. It’s almost like it’s like a time machine and you can just go back in time and without changing the main website. So you’re not even playing Russian roulette with your website. Let’s say you have a live website is in its place and quickly on our staging servers.

[00:28:34] You can create these restorative, et cetera, snapshot, and it becomes really powerful. 

[00:28:40] The one last thing before, sorry, go ahead. Okay. Sorry. Yeah. So just one last thing is the visualization testing is super, super interesting, and this we think is the first step towards what we want to do even more is again, when you look at the VIX, remember I’m excited about updates, that hardware bond security there.

[00:28:57] Updates. And there is somebody I need to do that, that these are, these are real problems and that’s, every time we run an update on our own website, we’re always worried that really break the website, ask my, my marketing team and they will, they’re always worried there. Okay, fine. How often should we run, updates really break the website or not, and for sure in integration tests, It’s one of those things where we let you create a staging site, run a update there, do a visualization test on that update.

[00:29:26] And then once you’re happy, then you can run the update on the live site. And we allow this entire thing to be like a single trick. 

[00:29:32] Matt Medeiros: . And that’s something that’s that your, your web host hosting company isn’t doing, they might be giving you staging sites for like deployments and things like that. And, and, but it’s not this solution to really make yourself feel comfortable. And again, this is where that high-performance com.

[00:29:48] And then when I was at Pagely, you’d have marketing teams running WordPress sites, and it was always this battle between the marketing team and the it team or the InfoSec team. And it’s now [00:30:00] every time we need to do something, we gotta run it by InfoSec or the it team. And everyone just was at odds with each other, a solution solution.

[00:30:07] Like this could kind of bridge that gap for some and to say, Hey, look, we’ve got this integrated solution. It’s super easy. Just look at this test here and then go ahead and update the website. 

[00:30:17] Akshat: Exactly. And a lot of their posts do a lot of these things, but you know, they do it for the common denominator. So that I can solve the problem in the most basic level. So they’ll provide you backups, but backups, which only provide you so much visibility, they will provide some security, but they can not invest as much as we can invest when it comes to security.

[00:30:37] Same thing with staging, same thing with with visual regression tests. So this integrated solution that we are creating helps you, especially if you are, if you’re running a website, which brings in the hundreds of thousands of millions, of dollars of.

[00:30:50] Matt Medeiros: Awesome stuff. I’m going to close out by asking you one more product question. And this is sort of a call to action for this episode for you, but what product do you want people to sign up for most blog vault or Medicare? 

[00:31:04] Akshat: So actually as a multi-headed. So the, the base is the same and they have like multiple heads. So they are I think it’s a good start. Starting with Malika is a good solution with the plus plan with the middle class. I think if you’re, for most websites, that’s the best solution out there. And if you’re an agency, we also have bulk plans, which are which are very, very reasonable if I may say.

[00:31:26] So it comes up to like up to $2 on. Per site and it covers backup security, staging activity, loud, the whole thing. So it makes it yeah, I, if you had an agency, then that’s the best plan to sign up for.

[00:31:39] Matt Medeiros: Fantastic. And you, and I save this to the end because we can edit this part out if you want. But I know you’re working on us. You’re working on a new product. 

[00:31:48] Akshat: Yeah, none of 

[00:31:49] Matt Medeiros: to hint at anything we can hint out here. 

[00:31:51] Akshat: no, no, please don’t edit this part out. We are more than happy to talk 

[00:31:54] Matt Medeiros: Okay. 

[00:31:55] Akshat: but yes. So the last part we are, again, making sure that the behalf high-performance website, we take care of great security gate backups, making, letting you. With without worrying about your website, the final part is speed and speed is speed is becoming is a very visible aspect of our website.

[00:32:14] Security backups is very difficult to do yet, but speed is much, much easier to that. You can feel it yourself when you’re visiting a website and web hosting covers one aspect of speed. But when you talk about over professor outside, there is so much more to making it. Today, it loads so much scripts, images and everything else.

[00:32:32] And then what, what has happened is there’s a concoction of solutional. Then you can get a caching plugin, you can get an image optimization plugin, you can get something like a performance optimization where club JavaScript and offload our script and do all of these things to make your accent fast. But it’s a lot and a lot of effort.

[00:32:49] And even then, even the best of people really. At it, and then you to do it every three months, every, every month, every second month, because [00:33:00] people are dating websites, installing new plugins, et cetera. So it’s, it’s a difficult task. Now, when you scale it up to a hundred websites or many websites, then it becomes even more difficult.

[00:33:10] Even our sell the blog world, we have, I think about four or five websites, keeping it from. It’s a difficult job. So what we have done is we are like, okay, fine. How can we make our monthly solution to make your website like, as fast as it can. And that’s, that’s something that we’ve been working on.

[00:33:27] Hopefully we have already actually started testing it out in an alpha thing. Hopefully beta will start by end of month. And yeah, this is something we are really, really excited about. We, yeah, we want to bring it to all our customers and also actually offer offer hopefully be able to offer a free solution.

[00:33:45] Even the lower even a website without that kind of a budget can still have an extraordinarily fast website without, without having the technical understanding or without even spending the time and effort in having having having to deploy. I’ve been satisfied.

[00:34:03] Matt Medeiros: Yeah. Yeah, I it’s fantastic. Another head to the dragon, right? It’s coming 

[00:34:08] Akshat: it’s under the head or the it’s another head to the dragon, and then we’ll be able to offer all of this together under one roof.

[00:34:14] Matt Medeiros: That sounds amazing. All the stuff you were telling you about it off air sounds really cool. And it’s really exciting. My friend, this has been an amazing conversation. You’ve brought me back to my old days of agency life for better or worse. Every living those days. And my God, I would not do it again without using malware and blog vault to get this stuff set up.

[00:34:32] If you’re out there. Head on over to actually that said at least check out mouth care, security backups, the Cod the activity log. I’m just thinking about so many times the customer was blaming me for something and it was them that they installed a different plugin in a different theme. That’s just sounds amazing and worth all of it right there.

[00:34:51] mulcaire.com. Where else do you want folks to go to say. 

[00:34:54] Akshat: No. Maca is good. Thank you so much. A bank is a great place to start to learn about what we are about 

[00:34:59] Then feel free to ping me at any time. So I’m on Twitter at hit me up actually that blog world. That’s my new lady. So yeah. Happy to hear from anyone. If 

[00:35:07] you 

[00:35:07] have any questions.

[00:35:08] Matt Medeiros: Awesome stuff. It’s maryport.com airport.com/subscribe to join that mailing list on emailing. Again, this is a whole other show, but I’m finally emailing again. Maryport.com/subscribe, everybody. Thanks for listening. Thanks for watching. We’ll see you in the next episode.

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