The word of the day is: Evolve.
Beka Rice, WooCommerce Team Lead at SkyVerge, joins the Matt Report to discuss the makings of a modern day WordPress agency. SkyVerge is a WooCommerce service agency, the largest developer of 3rd party add-ons in the WooCommerce marketplace, the company behind, and they’ve expanded into the SaaS market by forging a new branded app, Jilt.
They evolve — a lot.
So let’s take a step back and break this down:
- Client services
- WordPress plugins
- Content media site
- SaaS app
Each forward step is an evolution of the previous, and that’s the lesson that Beka teaches us in today’s episode.
In my opinion, client services life isn’t as linear as it used to be. That is to say, it’s not about filling the pipeline and doing the work anymore. Partly because the market has become much more competitive over time, and clients require a wider range of deliverables. Who cares about designing a website, putting current web technology and social technology to work for it, is the real goal.
Building a smarter, more measurable solution for our client, not just a brochure.
You’re probably going to want to queue this episode up more than once — it’s that good. Hope you learn something today, and if you do, please thank Beka and our sponsors — Pagely and Valet — on Twitter.
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