Being a freelancer means you get to run your business your way.
More than likely you start by building your personal brand. You take a deep breathe and look at yourself in the mirror. Who am I? What do I offer? How can I deliver value? What is the purpose?
When you meet Ozzy, you get a feeling that this guy gets it. As well he should, being a seasoned WordPress freelancer and all. He’s been in the game a while and I want you to take away a few key lessons:
- Confidence
- Finding clients that fit your process
- Have a purpose
I’ve had the amazing opportunity over the last two years to talk to a lot of amazing WordPress people — Ozzy is no exception. I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did.
Interview with Ozzy Rodriguez
Ozzy Rodriguez is known for his work as a Genesis-loving custom developer and co-host of the unique and sometimes irreverent WPBacon podcast. To keep things interesting, Ozzy works with a diverse client based from startups to dog walkers. Ozzy’s role as part of the WPBacon podcast started small and grew into being a co-host until the ultimate winding down of the program. WPBacon’s podcast started off with monthly educational programming. The audience requested more frequent episodes which the creators willingly accommodated.
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What was discussed during the interview
(Times correspond to video)
03:00 Why should someone new to WordPress use Genesis?
05:45 How can developers and implementors work together?
09:15 At what point do you conclude that Genesis would not be the right tool to use for a client’s project?
11:30 What steps should freelancers take to be noticed and found in the community?
16:00 What role does content marketing play in your business?
18:00 How did you decide which services to offer to your clients when you started out as freelancer?
21:30 How do you decide which clients to work with? Do you have a specific industry?
24:45 What’s the story behind the WPBacon podcast?
27:20 How did you differentiate guests and content of the WPBacon podcast stand from other WordPress podcasts?
31:00 What did you do to keep consistent publishing schedule for WPBacon podcast?
33:45 Are we still just talking to ourselves when we are podcasting about WordPress?
35:40 What are your words of advice to people thinking about starting a podcast?
36:50 If you could rewind, how would you build or run your business differently?
List of Resources Mentioned
Ozzy Rodriguez: Twitter- @ozzyr
WPBacon past episodes on itunes
Article by Tom McFarlin: WordPress Developers: The Programmer and the Implementor
Find a WordPress Meetup in your area
Find a WordCamp in your area
Article by Brian Krogsgard How much should a custom WordPress website cost?
Scrapebox (use it for good, not for bad intentions)
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