Do you have to train your clients on using WordPress after a site launch?
In today’s episode I get to sit down with someone I have a ton of respect for, Bob Dunn. Bob runs a site called where he educates newbie WordPress users on using themes, plugins, and general blogging practices.
As advanced users, sometimes training can be daunting for us. Why don’t they get it? This is so easy!
Bob preaches about patience as a virtue and how that resonates with his clients. This creates a customer base that really fall in love with Bob and his process, which keeps the referral engine going.
Interview with Bob Dunn of
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Upfront and personal
In a world of passive income and six-figure theme sales, Bob has a lot to teach us about creating personal relationships with our customers.
It’s not much different than building an audience and that’s what I love about what he has going on. He openly admits that he operates under a different “style.” A style that is more hands on, longer duration tutorials, and thorough discovery of client needs. This attracts a demographic of non-technical WP users which commonly need a recurring amount of help. At the end of the day, he’s building up a loyal following of repeat customers that have no trouble referring him to others.
Finding focus
Thousands of themes and thousands of plugins.
Bob has set a core focus on producing tutorials for Genesis and WooThemes. While he get’s a lot of requests to cover other themes and plugins, he’s realized that setting a vertical early on is a must. This opens up the stage for digging into the “data” of WP products. Common questions and repeat frustrations can be a tremendous asset to product developers.
I think this is where Bob and many of us training users can find leverage with our businesses.
What are your WP training tips?
I’d like you to share your stories and tips for training the clients you work with. Let us know in the comments below!